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Our Schools

Home and School Club

Las Animas Home and School Club is a 100% volunteer-based group of parents from Las Animas Elementary School.  We are dedicated to providing an exceptional academic and creative enrichment experience for all children of this school, in partnership with our teachers and staff. The HSC provides a multitude of enrichment opportunities and our team relies heavily on fundraising and parent participation to support the many programs. See below for a full list of descriptions that may interest you, and to see how you can get involved. Without parent support, these programs are not possible.

HSC Meetings

Meetings are held monthly and are open to all parents at Las Animas. These meetings are a great way to stay current on important events and upcoming activities. Meetings are usually held the 1st Tuesday of the month at a Cydnee Casper Park, weather permitting and subject to change. Interpreters will be on hand for those needing translation. Join us and see how you can get involved!

Staying informed on HSC News & Events

Be sure to use our communication tools: