Dual Immersion Program
The Gilroy Unified School District is one of only 19 school districts in California that offers
a comprehensive Dual Immersion program for students from kindergarten through 12th grade.
This premier educational program provides students with an equitable educational experience that instills confidence, promotes teamwork and community, and challenges them to achieve to their maximum ability, all while becoming biliterate and gaining global competence by expanding their worldview and perspectives.
Dual Immersion in the Gilroy Unified School District is a dual-language education program in which native English speakers and native Spanish speakers are integrated for academic content instruction through both English and Spanish. Instruction is at least 50% in Spanish. Students begin the program in kindergarten in elementary school and can continue through 12th grade.
The application period opens February 1, 2024. Incoming kinder families must attend a mandatory orientation meeting, either in-person or via Zoom, in order to apply for the GUSD Dual Immersion program.
Students are welcomed into the program through a placement process, and begin the program in kindergarten. Families with children in higher grades who wish to join the program will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and will be admitted if space is available.
Students who enroll in the Dual Immersion program will attend school at either Las Animas Elementary or Rod Kelley Elementary. South Valley Middle School and Gilroy High School offer secondary education programs for Dual Immersion students. Students who complete the program often receive the Seal of Biliteracy designation upon graduation from high school
- To apply for the GUSD Dual Immersion Program
- DI Orientation Meetings for the 2024-25 School Year
- Student Placement Process
- Seal of Biliteracy
- Frequently Asked Questions
To apply for the GUSD Dual Immersion Program
DI Orientation Meetings for the 2024-25 School Year
Student Placement Process
Seal of Biliteracy
Frequently Asked Questions
Dual Immersion Schools
Download Information
JOIN USKinder families who wish to enroll their child in the GUSD Dual Immersion program must complete these steps:
QUESTIONS?Hortencia Martin -or- Sharon Irby -or- Yvonne Lopez